After shopping at Walmart the other day, I kept thinking how can they be sustainable. Every isle is filled with excess packaging and products that cause pollution in the making.Alaskan fisherman have been protesting because after years of saying they are sustainable, Walmart has still have not made the transformation.Corporation overfishing doesn't only hurt the fish, but the local fisher man in Alaska.Walmart has still haven't gotten to use the MSC( Marine stewardship counsel)logo on most of their fish products. Until they do we cant be sure their practices are sustainable. A large company like Walmart can make big changes in the way our planet is moving to become more sustainable.
Heres the link
and heres a link for the MSC website to learn more about which fish are sustainable
Ohhh not to mention ALJAZEERA is the best for NEWS!!!
I know its unrelated to fish but I read recently that Walmart was going to start using solar panels in an attempt to go more green. Though i'm still anti-walmart in a lot of ways, at least that is a step in the right direction.